"For a long time I have held my peace, I have kept myself still and restrained myself; now I will cry out like a woman in labor, I will gasp and pant" (Is 42:14)


n day nineteen of the Season of Creation and the fifth moment of the Examen prayer, we are invited to a surrendering attitude. There are two options: first is for all human beings and the second is, specifically, for the Christian world.

V. SURRENDER (5/5): It is good also to guard against two exaggerations. First is self-rejection—the greatest enemy of the spiritual life which contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the ‘Beloved’ (Henri Nouwen). Second is self-glorification—the greatest temptation which turns a person to become lukewarm and self-entitled. The antidote to these two extremes is to be captivated by the beauty and mystery of nature in which one is integrally connected. To be captivated means to surrender and to forget ego. Shakespeare writes, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite" (W Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet—Act 2, Scene 1). In this case we become what we have given and taken up. With every act of surrender come loving deeds that overflow from the act. Pope Francis adds an eighth work of mercy to care for our common home, first, as a spiritual work—"gratefully contemplating God’s world” (Laudato Si', 214) which “allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us” (ibid., 85), second, as a corporal work—“simple daily gestures which break with the logic of violence, exploitation and selfishness... every[day] action that seeks to build a better world” (ibid., 230-31).

After getting a free lift from one thermal, a bird glides off to arrive at its destination “con grande animo,” with a big and magnanimous spirit ready-to-hand. This final part of the examen (also a new beginning) is a form of balancing, forward-looking and being led in the spirit of faith, hope, and self-surrendering love towards God’s ever greater love. Divine love is sufficient in life’s everydayness and everreadyness. I ask myself, “Where is this love leading me to stop, start, sustain or surrender after receiving God’s ever greater and unending love?” Amen.


V. SURRENDER (5/5): It is good also to guard against two exaggerations. First is self-rejection—the greatest enemy of the spiritual life which contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the ‘Beloved’ (Henri Nouwen). Second is self-glorification—the greatest temptation which turns a person to become lukewarm and self-entitled. In Matthew’s parable of the talents, the lazy and lukewarm are some of the most wretched of the damned (Mt 25:14-30). They are grounded or prohibited to fly. One of the promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is for lukewarm hearts and souls to become fervent, impassioned, or burning. We are not called to be lukewarm but to be either hot or cold (Rev 3:15-17), i.e., to a discerning and self-surrendering love of the Giver who is the source of life, consolations, good gifts and talents received. St Augustine said “My love is my weight.” Love alone is what bears weight in heaven; everything else is vanity or without weight. This is linked to the true meaning of Ignatian “magis” or “more,” which does not mean ‘many’ but ‘much’ in relation to God who is always ‘more’ (Deus semper major). The human spirit is inflamed by God’s ever greater love first and then the deeds will overflow from it. After getting a free lift from one thermal, a bird glides off to arrive at its destination “con grande animo,” with a big and magnanimous spirit ready-to-hand. This final part of the examen (also a new beginning) is a form of balancing, forward-looking and being led in the spirit of faith, hope, and self-surrendering love towards God’s ever greater love. Divine love is the “one thing necessary” (Lk 10:42) which is sufficient in life’s everydayness and everreadyness. I ask myself, “Where is this love leading me to stop, start, sustain or surrender after receiving God’s ever greater and unending love?” Amen. 8thWorker.us


  1. There are moments I want to stop...
    When things do not go accordingly, nothing happen, or truly there is nothing.
    But when I gaze at our God's ever loving gaze for us...through His creation...
    My heart once again is filled with love,faith and hope for God's better plan for us...
    It is time to start and surrender..
    Thank you! God bless us!

    1. Thanks for your beautiful sharing! Once I recommended to a young man whose favorite word is nothing in his prayer, call God "No-thing." GBU!

  2. Thanks for your reminders, Fr. JM...

    I would like to share with you here one of the poems I wrote on one of my silent recollections. I was inspired by the gentle breeze freely caressing my cheeks. That time when I cannot do anything but to surrender everything into His hands. Recognizing that I am His own. His beloved.

    The wind swiftly blows where it wills.
    Where it wills? How about me?
    A wind? I will never be!
    For it has no form truly;
    Invisibly, gracefully, unnoticeably!

    Me, I, created as a being.
    A being? In the image and likeness of Him?
    An accident? I will never be!
    For I was formed thoughtfully,
    Desirably, wonderfully, perfectly!

    A being has its own will.
    Own will? Everything? Independently?
    In freedom? I will always be!
    As long as I do it pleasingly,
    Responsibly, honestly, joyfully!

    In the eyes of the one who created me.

    GBU always!


    1. Thank you for your wonderful poetry! I am glued to your oft repeated mark—the question mark (?). It is the mark of desire, longing, curiosity, connection, waiting, mystery, openness... GBU!

    2. Thanks much po, Fr. JM, for your appreciation...

      True enough... Our relationship with our Lord is somehow can be expressed with these two words...

      Desire and Longing...

      He desires that our belongingness to Him will be full and complete.. He Longs for us every minute of everyday.

      Yet he never force us... Always in our freedom... Whenever I reflect about it, I feel guilty for not answering such love which He always expresses...

      Unrequited love... For a human relationship, it is so painful... How much more for God who is always waiting for us to recognize Him finally as our most beloved... He call us His beloved, why not call Him in the same way? My LORD and my BELOVED...

      TC... GBU!



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